Monday 9 November 2015


Pray Kenyans, enemy on the track, says the Lord, and he says, I can hear the clatter of the feet of the enemy on the grounds of this Nation. l see men and women clampering for safety, I hear the noise. The feet of the enemy is about to be placed on the ground of this nation. l see men who are masked and in black, they have a mixture of the forest colour of leaves and trees, they have a uniform that may resemble other genuine groups in this Nation, but  their faces are masked in black, while others have turbans over their heads. These are the same people who have from time to time thundered on the grounds of this Nation and caused pain, confusion and even death, yes the enemy is about to strike, he is only a few metres away, he is about to strike the major city. And while this is so, the people of the land are half awake. They leave the gates of this Nation open. Now go tell the people of this Nation to wake up from their deep slumber and know that the enemy lies in wait. Bring together the wailing women and the gate keepers, who will cry and wail and stand by the gates of this Nation. 

I Am the Lord, I speak.

Jeremiah 25