Tuesday 7 October 2014

Monday 22 September 2014

22nd September 2014


Tell the people of this nation to pray, for the enemy walks among them. I see men with hidden faces. These are men from the North. They have masked their faces, with guns in their pockets , ready to attack. These men have caused fear, pain, agony and now they are about to do it again. Hit the enemy, people of this nation with the fiery dards of prayer. Repent, people of this nation. Halt your day to day activities as you assemble yourselves together for prayer and repentance. The enemy has set his eyes on you, do not just sit there, wake up, hit the enemy with the hot coals of prayer but only if you repent.
 2nd Chronicles 7:14

Friday 12 September 2014

THIS MESSAGE HAS BEEN GIVEN AT THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PASTORS. It takes root on day 2 with the servant of God Prophet Owuor
It says...
The church is not ready for the wedding banquet. Tell them that, them that know

 me to prepare themselves and while it is so, to tell the whole world that them 

that do not know me have only but a little time to wash their garments. Ask my 

servant to repeat this step after 3 months.

Psalms 111

Thursday 21 August 2014

Saturday 5 July 2014

A QUICK REMINDER OF MY THOUGTS...says the Lord 5th July 2014

Stop this Nation from the oncoming and gradual steps which do not lie in my will. Tell the people of this nation to stop the display of strife and dishonor. Now go tell the people of this nation, that the events taking place on the grounds of this nation are unworthy and inconsiderate having come from men and women who think only of themselves and use others for their own selfish desires. Tell them that the events taking place on spots and places in this nation have come as a result of hunger for power and malice. Tell them that disgrace and shame will follow them that encounter with the King, and the leaders l have set apart for reign in this nation. Let them know that it is with considerable concern even from people from other parts of the world that a group of persons have decided to cause a brink on the grounds of this nation and to show themselves stronger and more powerful before the faces of men and women who have already taken their role in appointing the king, and now that the people of this nation have forgotten that they are nothing without me they have moved on with their everyday steps while the repentance echo has been left on a faint note, thus making matters more worse, for i am not a respecter of persons and that they think that they can quickly create and make up the broken walls that lie in debris on the grounds of this nation, forgetting that i hold the pointer finger and that am behind steps that seem to be unbearable in this nation for the smoke rising from the altars of repentance has not touched the cloud of disobedience that has been hanging over this nation. now then so the cup of my wrath still remains in my hands and the burning coals continue and will continue to burn up feet of the people in this nation until they repent, yes until they repent not with their lips but with their hearts for many are the times that this nation washes away the sins that lie on its ground but quickly picks the up again and while in this continued and maligned steps of disobedience, this nation continues to suffer from its own will of disobedience which has entered even into the courts of servanthood and into my house of prayer within which time things continue to loose their color. I am he, your creator, i created heaven and earth and all things begin from me. Hear oh you people of his nation, Repent and give yourselves to me that i may cover you and remove the cup of my wrath. I see men and women masked with their true faces behind the masks, faces of hatred and animosity, antagonism and disorder having the power to do good but using that power to kill and destroy, to separate and to cause division among my people of one nation, one King. I see men and women who call themselves leaders covered with the dust of malice and harsh words, they promise to do good. Mutiny is behind these masks, they have conspired with nations that rank higher than their own nation thinking that i am like men who sleep at night and wake up in the morning to continue with yesterdays chapter No, for i am the God of all nations and i judge all men, those who will cause others to stumble and fall i will also cause them and their children to stumble  and fall for every man will answer and pay for his wrong doing. This nation is not in the hands of men. It is in my hands and no man has the right to place his fingers on the work of my hands. Isaiah 9: 9-21

10th July 2014
Tell this nation to keep vigil, for the enemy has not put down his tools. Tell them that the enemy is preparing for another paneled step.

Thursday 27 March 2014

    Tell the clergy to wash their garments in the waters of repentance. Tell them that they have lost the former glory and attained themselves a standard on the arena of servant-hood. Tell them that I am not a respecter of persons, and that I do not move with gabbling vessels who are unworthy of the course of servant-hood. Tell them to replace the Ichabod on their chests as most of them stand in the assembly of my people and without the Ichabod. Some of the clergy have covered their sins with the priestly garments they wear as they appear in-between the sheep and the people of the land. The clergy and the whole priesthood generation has lost its former glory. Let it be known to them that they will scamper on my ground of servant-hood in these attires that are draping with moisture from the sins they have committed before me. They array themselves as servants of the most high. They appear to serve the most high God who is the creator of heaven and earth, but no, they do not, for they cannot serve God and mammon, and I will not be mocked for the hour has come when the true servants must be seen and separated from the false and the disobedient sons of Aaron who walk with their Father's name on their foreheads but have nothing of that big name inside them. The clergy, most of the men and women in this nation serve while standing in between lines. They move, they walk, they shout, they sing, they talk, all in my name, but no, they do not serve me. They serve other gods. For I am God, and my name is Holy. I am He that walks on Holy ground and I am a jealous God. For the time has come that I must stand and speak in the midst of the turmoil and the crave for riches and honour that lie deep in the diaphram of servants on the ground of servanthood.
     In the Holy place where my people gather together that they may receive from hands of servants that belong to the most high, but while this is so, most of the servants on the ground, are no more servants of the most high as much as they lie within the walls of servant-hood, and this I have seen and much more I  have dug out, that these mishaps may lie bare in the eyes of the people, that those true servants may remain true before my eyes and before the eyes of the people of the land. For the hour has come when I can no longer bear the shouts in my name. They say they are preaching but they are shouting, they say they are prophesying but they are lying, they say they are breaking bread among the sheep but their hands are full of filth and odour from the sins they have committed before me. They eat the fat from the fat lambs. They keep themselves warm from the sheep's wool but leave the lean sheep to die. They segregate between the rich and the poor in my house of prayer and walk with arrogance in them, for they lack nothing. But a time has come that I have now stood abreast as I cut away these dry branches and throw them into the fire, that they may give space for the lively branches who are with fruit. Watch and see what I am about to do in the ground of priesthood. The levites who have left the Holy place and misled my people, open your eyes for I am now moving to separate the true from the false and I will leave no stone unturned, For I am Holy and my name is Holy. Those who worship me worship me in spirit and truth. I will answer from heaven and I will give a sign to show that they belong to me, but for the rest, I have began to cut away and throw these dry branches into the fire, YES I am cutting away. Luke 12:1-3

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    (given on 9th March, 2014)
    "Call for an assembly of servants on the step who will blow away the wind of the enemy in this nation for three (3) days. while the wailing women should have taken their positions on a brigadier step from place to place, who will pray for seven (7 )days."
    ...And i heard, "tell others about the logs as others join you on a satellite step." The logs began with a dream in which i saw a tree, long and short, it looked like a forest. On its ground was grass and on the grass i saw chunks or rather pieces of wood which seemed to have been lying just there until they had began to be covered by moss. I could see many of them. I woke up thinking it was only but a dream, little did i know that this was the beginning of an assignment though, by and by, i had been hearing messages and taking them to the individuals concerned, and now after the dream, things began to take a different course. My life came to a downward trend. I do remember that God sent his messenger to me saying that he is going to take me down to the last step with an illustration of a rental house in Ngong. Telling the messenger to show me the stairs that he would take me down to the last step just like i go down to the last step on my way out of the rental house and that he, the same God would hold my hand and lift me up again. And so it happened. I and my children went down to the last step. It was then that i began to seek the Lord in prayer and fasting, long dry fasts until one day i heard Him say as i slept, "I want you to go out and gather the logs to rekindle the fire of prayer. I will help you to gather the logs." From this message, the Lord directed me more. One day i heard..."Go to Loresho, near the post office." I had never been to Loresho. After sometime, i boarded a matatu to town, then walked to Hilton stage and asked a conductor, wapi stage ya Loresho? I was told to go to odeon cinema, which i did. You cannot imagine that the directed post office is now a training center So i learned, the Lord gave me its original name and off i went from the second matatu walking towards the gate, to the beautifully built houses of Loresho. Oh these houses are so beautiful, i thought and especially now that i am in a badly situated single room in Kayole, I continued to calculate and decided to get on to find out more about Loresho. Skipping hurriedly i found myself knocking at one gate. Here bells do the calling, i said, as i noticed one by the side of the high wall which i pressed and a watchman came. He led me to the house. I found a kind mother who offered me some juice. I asked her how much was the rent. I told her briefly how i had heard about logs anyway showing more interest on house renting. But as i rushed to the next gate i clearly heard the Lord. Dear God's people, praise our almighty creator of heaven and earth. Allow me to tell you what i heard after opening the blog with the help of a servant in Nairobi. And i heard when i woke up this morning..."Tell them of how your steps of servanthood have been barred by lack of servants who should be walking with you. Tell them that i need available people who will help you to call for an assembly when i command. Tell them to help you walk the next mile. I am the Lord, i give instructions.Isaiah 1."